Thursday as I began harvesting for Friday’s farmers market my focus was on cherry tomatoes. I had my day planned out; spend the morning harvesting cherry tomatoes, box up cherry tomatoes for the wholesaler, prep cherry tomatoes for the farmers market. Then in the afternoon get the truck loaded with seedlings and drop off the cherry tomato wholesale order on the way home.
Well as I finished harvesting all the cherry tomatoes I needed for the wholesaler, I was getting ready to harvest more cherry tomatoes for the farmers market when I spotted something big and bright pink a few rows over in the sprawling vine-y jungle that is the heirloom tomato patch. I walked over thinking I had found a lone heirloom tomato ripe before the rest. But as I picked up that big beautiful pink tomato I saw that the vines were covered with ripe tomatoes. And these tomatoes are huge, most of them are a solid pound with many leaning towards two pounds.

So I ditched the pint baskets for big boxes and started harvesting heirloom tomatoes. They were so big they quickly filled the boxes and I started to realize I might not have enough room in the truck for everything now that I had heirloom tomatoes in the mix. With limited truck space and time speeding by, I opted to only harvest a few cherry tomatoes for the farmers market because the heirloom tomatoes have arrived and they are large and in charge.