That’s a Wrap
Thanks for a great year! This past Saturday we wrapped up our last farmers’ market of the season. It was a crisp December morning but our booth was bustling with customers picking up produce, getting their pesto con papas quesadillas,…
Thanks for a great year! This past Saturday we wrapped up our last farmers’ market of the season. It was a crisp December morning but our booth was bustling with customers picking up produce, getting their pesto con papas quesadillas,…
The time has come for our last farmers’ market of the year. This Saturday, December 14th will be your last chance to get produce, prepared food, or our cool farm merch from our booth at the Easton farmers’ market. After…
To help out with your holiday shopping this week, all our merch is 25% off. We have two styles of t-shirts, french terry crew neck sweatshirts, a stylish grey Adidas hat, and our colorful canvas market tote bag showing our…
We took advantage of the lovely Sunday weather and started to plant our heirloom garlic. We got four 100 foot beds planted and we plan to get more in the ground in a few weeks. By spacing out the planting…
We grew peanuts for the first time this year. This was a bit of an experiment for us but we had a bountiful harvest a couple of weeks ago and have been letting them dry. Well, now they are ready…
We finally got some rain Sunday night. Which for us is about the first time it has rained on the farm in two months. The droughty weather has not affected us very much because as we slide into shorter fall…
It is hard to believe that it is November but I feel like I say that every fall particularly once the time change happens. Things are slowing down at the farm, now that we have had a hard freeze killing…
It may be warm and sunny right now but we got a killing frost Monday morning taking out all our tomato, pepper, and tomatillo plants. But don’t worry we did a big harvest the day before. So we will have…
Last week the temperatures were chilly on the farm. We had several mornings of a light frost blanketing the field. But most of our crops survived. Our cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, tomatillos, and peppers have lived to see another day.…
The end is near for our tomato crop. We are not sure when but sometime soon the temperatures will dip down to 32 degrees killing our tomato plants. The forecast for this week shows some pretty low early morning temperatures…
We love gourds, particularly large gourds. They are just so cool, they grow wild with tropical-like vines taking all season to grow mature fruit. We then harvest them before the frost and store them for about a year in our…
This will be our very last week offering seedlings for sale. So all of our seedlings are marked down to just $2 each, both in our online shop and at this Saturday’s Easton farmers’ market. Our current fall/ winter seedling…