Category Continuing Education

It Takes Time

Last week I finally transplanted the first of my tomatoes and tomatillos, a bit later than planned. This time of year I have to remind myself, that tasks typically take longer than you expect. Such as using your new power harrow,…

Organic Week in DC

This past Thursday night I flew back from a jam-packed week in Washington DC.  CCOF sent me to attend the Organic Trade Association’s policy week. The Organic Trade Association is a membership-based business association for the organic industry, their mission is to…

Historical Women

I’m often asked, who are my women farmer role models.  I can think of awesome women farmers who are currently farming but I start to draw a blank when I try to think of women farmers who blazed the agricultural…

Use of Language

Last Saturday, I attended the fifth Geography of Hope conference in Point Reyes Station.  Even though this is a literary festival, I was drawn to it because the theme was Women and the Land. The panels throughout the day discussed the use…

Busy Off Farm

This week I started more seeds in the greenhouse, but the majority of my days were spent off the farm.  I started the week by turning in my tax forms to my CPA.  Nothing like finishing your farm taxes to…

CCOF Policy Day

This past Wednesday, I was up at the state capital for CCOF’s policy day.  The day began with a keynote address by the Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Karen Ross.  She spoke about how California led the…

Museum Hopping

During the holidays I was back east, spending time with my family. This year in between the holiday festivities, I was determined to visit Washington DC. When I was a kid I spent many a school field trip trekking from…

Gifts Under $20 for Farmers

Looking to show your favorite farmer or gardener a little love this holiday season? Here are some American made gift suggestions for the farmer-type in your life.  Topo Designs Watch Cap A wonderfully simple cap that will keep you warm. The idea…

American Made Gifts

As a small farmer I depend on my local community to purchase my vegetables to support my business.  So in turn I go out of my way to buy American produced and locally made products. I’ve put together a brief list…