The Month of January
For me, January is the time for relaxing, travelling, and planning. I love being able to sleep in, spend time with family and friends, have an unscheduled day, and binge on some TV watching (given a lot of the show…
For me, January is the time for relaxing, travelling, and planning. I love being able to sleep in, spend time with family and friends, have an unscheduled day, and binge on some TV watching (given a lot of the show…
The gift giving season is upon us. Are you wondering what to get the farmer, rancher, or gardener in your life? Well, I have some ideas for you! As a farmer I love expanding my knowledge of all things agricultural,…
It’s hard to believe that it is November already. We have not yet had a frost (though it should be any day now) so I am still picking tomatoes and peppers, not many but just enough for Quarter Acre EATS…
All my seeds have arrived! Every year I order from two of my favorite companies Fedco Seeds Co-op and High Mowing Organic Seeds. This year I also ordered a few things from Johnny’s Seeds and Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. I am excited…
I found a small parcel of land to lease for the 2019 season. My plan for this season is to stay small so that I can get accustomed to the Eastern Shore’s growing season. I will be growing a wide…
There has been lots of change this year, most of it planned and expected but surprising and exciting nonetheless. I started this year with the decision to take a sabbatical, to step back from my 10 year long farming operation…
Over 12 years ago I moved to California with hopes of following my passion for local food systems and working in the field of agriculture. I started off creating edible gardens for restaurants and private estates. I hung around farmers…
Spring is here … or maybe summer I’m actually wearing shorts as I type this, hello 80 degree weather. This spring my workload looks a little different. I’m not sweating it out in the greenhouse but staring it out, at…
Friends, I have some news. I’ll be taking a sabbatical from Quarter Acre Farm in 2018. After 10 growing seasons, it’s time for a little step back to dream, plan, and strategize about the future of my farm. I’m so…
Now that it’s the end of the season it seems like eons ago that I was getting the field ready for the beginning of the growing season. Even though it was just 10 months ago that I was starting tomato…