Category Crop Planning

Calm Before the Storm

The bees have been busy at the farm, rushing around to every flower they can find. The blackberry’s flowers are turning into fruit, most of the tomatoes are covered with flowers, and soon the potatoes will have their flowers out…

Sometimes You Get Behind

Thursday I finally planted dried beans, winter squash, and pumpkin seeds in the field. When I had made my crop schedule, back in January I had planned to plant these seeds at the beginning of May.  So they got in the…

Bugs with Benefits

In the cool of the morning I walk through the field checking in on all the plants, looking to see what needs my attention.  Frequently I find myself in awe of the various insects inhabiting the farm.  Pests or bad…

Bird in the House

Last week after a morning of starting watermelon and squash in the greenhouse I returned in the afternoon to find the soil tossed aside and each of the seeds cracked opened with only the shell left behind.  At first glance…

Upcoming Gardening Class

Everyone can garden, it is never too late to learn Join me on Sunday March 23rd as I discuss and demonstrate how to simply start a successful edible garden Topics to be covered: Choosing what plants to grow Deciding on location…

Starting in the Greenhouse

This week I was back in the greenhouse, starting seeds for this growing season.  Even after so many years of starting seeds there is always that first moment where I have to think, how do I do this? But it…

Rain and Crop Planning

Well we are finally getting some precipitation.  It has been so wonderful to have our rainy winter weather back.  I find it thrilling to wake up to rain and the grey cloudy sky, I hope this weather pattern continues for…

Looking for Rain and Seeds

We are still hoping for rain, I’m getting real tired of tending to the irrigation and drip tape on the farm.  I look forward to the winter every year as it’s a time for reflection, daydreaming, and for not thinking…

Happy New {Dry} Year

It’s the beginning of the new year and here in Sonoma it is very dry.  In December we hardly got an inch of rain, 2013 ended up being one of the driest years on record.  So far January’s forecast is…