Category Crop Planning

Short Days

The days are short and the nights are cold.  I’m spending a lot of time inside; cleaning the greenhouse, organizing the barn, updating farm spreadsheets, and curled up on the couch reading about other farmers in other fields.  I’m ready…

The Season’s Last Market

It is hard to believe but this week we had both our last CSA pick up and farmers’ market of the 2013 season. Once again its seems the year has just flown by. The season started with radishes, found its…

Local Popcorn

After a long wait, our heirloom popcorn is finally ready for popping.  We began harvesting the popcorn at the end of August. After the popcorn is harvested it needs to be shucked, and allowed to continue to dry for a…

Time to Buy Cover Crop Seed

Brrrr the mornings are cold out there.  I wore my boots this week for the first time since the early spring. There is plenty to do in the field to stay warm, recently I’ve been harvesting popcorn, potatoes, tomatoes, kale,…

Harvesting Tomatoes

After a few weeks of  large tomatoes slowly ripening here and there.  The heirloom tomato plants are finally putting out tons of beautifully large ripe tomatoes. I know tomatoes are considered a summer crop but I always think of them…

From Summer to Fall

The summer is flying by and the field is bursting with vegetables and weeds.  It’s easy to focus all your energy on harvesting the beautiful bounty and staying busy just by keeping the weeds under control. But you must look…

Unpredictable Weather

Thursday we had our first CSA pick up of the season.  It was great seeing returning members and meeting the new members who have joined this year.  The members received a healthy mix of vegetables in their share this week;…

Returning to the Farmers’ Market

This week I have been prepping to return to the Friday morning farmers’ market.  Getting all my supplies in order like bags, boxes, and display items.  Going to our County’s weights and measures office to have our yearly scale check…