Bulk Deal on Heirloom Tomatoes
With tomato season in full swing we are swimming in delicious tomatoes right now. So we are offering a bulk discount on our heirloom tomatoes. When you pre-order 10 pounds it is just $40, a savings of $10 compared to…
With tomato season in full swing we are swimming in delicious tomatoes right now. So we are offering a bulk discount on our heirloom tomatoes. When you pre-order 10 pounds it is just $40, a savings of $10 compared to…
We had a great turn out for our first gleaning evening of the season. Volunteers with the Maryland Food Bank came out to our farm this past Thursday evening and picked cherry tomatoes. The tomatoes were boxed up and taken…
We are often asked if folks can come out to visit our farm, but our place is not typically open to the public … except when we have a gleaning event! This Thursday on August 8th, come to our farm…
Right now we are living in the cherry tomato rows harvesting pint after pint and tying up the plants weekly until they reach the top of our stakes. Most of our first planting has reached the top of the stakes…
Our cherry tomato harvest is in full effect. It is the time of year where we harvest all the plants and then two days later it looks like they have never been harvested as they are just full of ripe…
It is finally tomato time! Our first planting of cherry tomatoes are ripening and we have started to get a steady, but small harvest off of them. So we recommend that you pre-order your pint of cherry tomatoes or make…
It is hard to believe that it is just the first week of July as our June weather was so hot, humid, and lacking in the rainfall department that this past month felt like peak summer instead of just the…
It is hot out there but work continues on the farm … with plenty of water and breaks in the shade. The dry weather this past week made for good conditions to harvest garlic in. So we have pulled the…
We have been having some beautiful summer weather here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and with that comes questions on when our tomato harvest will begin. Well, it is hard to know exactly when, as plants have a mind…
Garlic scape season is still going strong. Last week we harvested from about 4 of our garlic varieties. There will be other varieties ready this week but like we always say garlic scape season is short. As each variety puts…