Category Harvest

Sweet Potatoes are Ready

Last week the temperatures were chilly on the farm. We had several mornings of a light frost blanketing the field. But most of our crops survived. Our cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, tomatillos, and peppers have lived to see another day.…

The Missing Crop

We had a fun and restful Labor Day away from the farm. But our summer crops don’t take a day off as their fruit is growing, ripening, and waiting to be harvested every single day. We continue to have a…

Labor Day Vibes

Last night we had another great gleaning event at our farm. Over a dozen volunteers with the Maryland Food Bank turned out. The August heat made for a warm and sticky evening but the many hands made for light work.…


October went out with some wonderful summer-like temperatures. But with the arrival of November the chilly fall temperatures have returned. This morning during the wee hours before dawn we got a killing frost aka a freeze. Pretty much every crop…

Fall is Here

Thanks to everyone that came out to this past Saturday’s farmers market. We are a rain or shine vendor so we were out in the rainy windy weather serving tacos and selling produce. You can always expect us and other…

Delectable Abundance

Right now we have the abundance of summer crops like tomatoes and tomatillos along with the plentifulness of fall crops like peppers and butternut squash. It is a delectable time of year. Our sweet peppers are crispy and delicious. They…

August Abundance

August on our farm is filled with abundance. The plants are covered with fruit and during every work day the main task is harvesting. One day the focus is harvesting and sorting cherry tomatoes which typically results in about 200…

Tomatoes in Bulk

We are swimming in delicious tomatoes right now and we are loving it! We are having tomatoes at every meal and our dog Sunny thinks cherry tomatoes are the best dog treats ever made. Since we have a steady flow…