Category Summer

Welcoming July

It is hard to believe that it is just the first week of July as our June weather was so hot, humid, and lacking in the rainfall department that this past month felt like peak summer instead of just the…

Last Call for Tomato Seedlings

This Saturday will be your last chance to get tomato seedlings. So we are having a little sale, all tomatoes seedlings are half off making them just $2 each. We still have 10 different cherry varieties and 12 different heirloom…

Delectable Abundance

Right now we have the abundance of summer crops like tomatoes and tomatillos along with the plentifulness of fall crops like peppers and butternut squash. It is a delectable time of year. Our sweet peppers are crispy and delicious. They…

Late Summer Flavors

This will be the last week we are offering seedlings for sale. Since it is the end of the greenhouse season all seedlings are just $2 each. We still have a nice selection of flowers, herbs, as well as hardy…

Endless Summer

It is hard to believe that it is about to be Labor Day weekend. We know that it marks the unofficial end of the summer. But at our farm the crops are not ready for summer to end. Our heat…

August Abundance

August on our farm is filled with abundance. The plants are covered with fruit and during every work day the main task is harvesting. One day the focus is harvesting and sorting cherry tomatoes which typically results in about 200…