Category Summer

Summer Time

We are feeling like we are in a summer daze, the dog days of summer are here with their heat and abundant harvests. We hope you survived the heat wave and are enjoying our recent cool down. Our tomato and…

Tomatoes in Bulk

We are swimming in delicious tomatoes right now and we are loving it! We are having tomatoes at every meal and our dog Sunny thinks cherry tomatoes are the best dog treats ever made. Since we have a steady flow…

Farming and Family

Despite our recent family tragedy, my Dad wouldn't want us to take a day off from the farmers market so we will continue to be at the Saturday Easton market. He loved working hard and always told us to make hay while the sun shines.

Summer Daze

We have been having a wonderful summer filled with sunny days, bountiful harvests, and busy farmers’ markets. Sometimes these glorious summer days feel a lot more like a summer daze. Where one day rolls into the next; where there is…