Just as I was starting to agree with passersby, that yes my field was looking good. Boy, those corn stalks are getting really tall. Those tomato plants are filled with tons of green fruit and those gourd vines are huge.…
Just as I was starting to agree with passersby, that yes my field was looking good. Boy, those corn stalks are getting really tall. Those tomato plants are filled with tons of green fruit and those gourd vines are huge.…
Last July we moved from Sonoma, California back home to Maryland. After farming for over ten years in arid California I have been relearning how to grow with rain, humidity, and hot nights (and days). I knew it would be…
Lately my main task has been weeding the tomatoes. Since my field was previously fallow and mowed regularly for years, the main weed is grass. Or shall I say the main weeds are various grasses, from my hours spent with these…
After a whirlwind move we are finally settling in to our new apartment in Easton, MD. We moved in just over a month ago but its been hard to catch my breath, let alone get into a normal routine. We…
We have downsized, gotten rid of stuff, and consolidated as much as we could. Of course it is surprising how many possessions we actually have. Everything has been packed and too our surprise the moving container had empty space leftover…
I’ve been spending my days hunting for pumpkins. What started as nice little pumpkin plants in neat straight rows has grown to vines with big green leaves stretching far and wide. It’s hard to walk as every space is either…
After our recent heat wave it has been nice to have some days with cool breezes and cloudy skies. But I was still caught off guard by last Thursday’s rain, well more like a heavy mist but water from the…
Lately it seems like everyday is a race. A race to pick as many tomatoes as possible before it gets too hot. My race day starts the night before, I load the truck with boxes, pint baskets, snacks, and water.…
The tomatoes are still the star of the farm, requiring my full attention most every day. But across the field a successor is lurking in the weeds. The pumpkins are growing well, the vines are curling up the tall weed…
What can I say, I’ve just be picking tomatoes since we last spoke. It’s true my days are measured by how many flats of this tomato variety or that tomato variety I have harvested. I shuffle through the tomato rows…