Category Winter

That’s a Wrap

Thanks for a great year! This past Saturday we wrapped up our last farmers’ market of the season. It was a crisp December morning but our booth was bustling with customers picking up produce, getting their pesto con papas quesadillas,…

Thanks for a Great Season

We want to send a big THANK YOU out to all our customers, followers, and supporters for helping to make the 2023 season great! We truly appreciate everyone from the people that wake up early to come out to the…

Winter Break

We have been slowing down and relaxing since our last farmers market, way back on December 17th. We are currently on our winter break, a time when we are not selling anything, not harvesting, or making anything in the kitchen.…

A New Home

Sorry for the radio silence, we have had a lot going on. All good things! At the end of December we purchased a 12 acre property with an old farmhouse, 4 tillable acres, dense woods, and access to the Choptank…

Seeding Season

All of my seeds have arrived! I always purchase seeds from a few awesome seed companies that have a great selection of certified organic seed. Like most years I will be growing some tried and true favorites along with some…