Rainy Day Work

Recently it’s been grey and chilly out. Most days there seems to be some rain, even if it’s just a sprinkle or two. So I have found my rain boots and I’ve pulled the sweaters out of the closet. With…

Tomatoes and Pumpkins

The tomato production has started to slow down. The recent rain has encourage the tomatoes to crack and split. And of course the short days and cold nights of autumn make it harder for a tomato to ripen. But I’m…

From Dry to Wet

Thursday I arrived at my field at dawn. Even though dawn comes a little later this time of year 7:15 am to be exact, it still feels really early to be out and about. But Thursday was not a day to sleep…

Tomatoes in the Fall

The seasons are changing. The sky is full of clouds, the wind is blowing leaves around, and the sun shines at an angle casting long shadows.  We even had our first little rain storm last weekend. While rain is always welcomed…

Family Time and Tomato Sauce

Recently my parents were visiting from Maryland. I love having family visit when the field is in full production, they can see and taste all the different crops that are growing. But of course this is also my busiest time of…

Oh September

The fall weather was here chilly nights, foggy mornings, and windy days. But the heat has returned, I mean it is down right hottt! In the field that means the pumpkins, winter squash, popcorn, and dried beans are screaming to…

Popcorn and Pumpkins

This past week I finally started harvesting the popcorn. I’ve lost a few cobs to birds and squirrels but there is plenty of popcorn to fill the large burlap bags. So far I’ve harvested 17 bags worth of corn ears…

Harvest Days

The mornings are cold and it seems to take a while before the sun finds it way up into the sky. Theres are change in the air, the sun is at an angle, and the days are shorter; autumn is…

Eating All the Tomatoes

With a steady supply of ripe tomatoes coming from the farm, I feel like I’m constantly surrounded by tomatoes of all colors and sizes; in the field, while driving my truck, and covering most surfaces in my house. I’m eating…

Swimming in Tomatoes

Right now my days are filled with harvesting tomatoes. Every visit to the field requires a harvest of two flats of cherry tomatoes, if not 10. The cherry tomatoes have not been irrigated in over 8 weeks, but you wouldn’t…

Friends in the Field

During the hours and hours that I spend harvesting tomatoes I’ve been noticing that I’m not the only one spending quality time with these jewels of the summer. Various birds enjoy singing a song while perched on a tall tomato…

Cheerful Cherries

The cherry tomato plants are happy and fruitful. They are now producing an endless stream of ripe tomatoes. I love how quickly I am able to fill up a pint basket and the satisfaction of carrying a full flat (box)…