Greenhouse Improvements

Our tomato seedlings are now available! We have a wide selection of varieties that come in many different shapes, colors, and sizes. Our current selection is just the beginning, we will be adding more varieties as the plants reach the…

Tacos & Seedlings

The greenhouse is filling up. Almost everyday seeds are getting started and tiny seedlings are getting potted up into larger containers. This past week we seeded our second planting of tomatoes. We do multiple successions of our tomatoes so that…

Winter Break

We have been slowing down and relaxing since our last farmers market, way back on December 17th. We are currently on our winter break, a time when we are not selling anything, not harvesting, or making anything in the kitchen.…

Stay Cozy

The slow season has slowly been creepy towards us. As I write this, out my window is a rainy gray day, which is fine because all of my outside work can wait. There is nothing pressing that requires me to…

I Guess it is Fall

For me it seems like fall got here too quickly. Maybe it is because our main focus at the farm is tomatoes, the jewels of the summer. We love to extend our summer crops as long as possible in the…

Summer Daze

We have been having a wonderful summer filled with sunny days, bountiful harvests, and busy farmers’ markets. Sometimes these glorious summer days feel a lot more like a summer daze. Where one day rolls into the next; where there is…

Spring is Here at the Farm

The return of longer days and warmer weather always makes spring an exciting time. This spring has been particularly thrilling because there are new surprises everyday as we explore our new property. Flower bulbs long ago planted have been popping…

A New Home

Sorry for the radio silence, we have had a lot going on. All good things! At the end of December we purchased a 12 acre property with an old farmhouse, 4 tillable acres, dense woods, and access to the Choptank…

Gorgeous Garlic

This year I planted about 30 pounds of garlic cloves. I chose four varieties to plant: Chesnok Red, German White, German Red, and Elephant garlic. To get the soil ready to plant garlic, I did a light pass of the…