Category Autumn

Hot Cocoa & Soup

It is hard to believe, but we only have 10 farmers markets left this year! To cozy up the end of the season we have decided to add hot cocoa and delicious hot soup to our menu. Each week our…

Pumpkins & Sweatshirts

The first of our pumpkins are ready! This week we have a delicious variety called Seminole. These small, cream-colored, bell-shaped fruits are sweeter than a butternut squash. Seminole pumpkin is an heirloom variety that is a staple among the Seminole…

Stay Cozy

The slow season has slowly been creepy towards us. As I write this, out my window is a rainy gray day, which is fine because all of my outside work can wait. There is nothing pressing that requires me to…

Gorgeous Garlic

This year I planted about 30 pounds of garlic cloves. I chose four varieties to plant: Chesnok Red, German White, German Red, and Elephant garlic. To get the soil ready to plant garlic, I did a light pass of the…

Autumn Equinox

It’s fall y’all! Normally I’m sad to see summer go, personally summer is my favorite season. But this year it is a relief to make it to fall. This summer has been wonderful, we have been super busy harvesting and…

In the Field

It truly feels like fall. There is a crispness in the air, the sun is casting long shadows, days are short, and the tomato plants have slowed down their production. It always seems to change from summer to fall in…