Category Continuing Education

In the Field

It truly feels like fall. There is a crispness in the air, the sun is casting long shadows, days are short, and the tomato plants have slowed down their production. It always seems to change from summer to fall in…

Meeting our New Ag Community

One of the main reasons that we moved from California to Maryland was land access. After a decade of farming in California, I could not get secure long term land access on leased land. The prospect of purchasing farmland in…

Getting Settled

After a whirlwind move we are finally settling in to our new apartment in Easton, MD. We moved in just over a month ago but its been hard to catch my breath, let alone get into a normal routine. We…


This month I have been busy downsizing and getting rid of stuff. I’m amazed at how much stuff both at the farm and in the house, I have accumulated over the past dozen years. I mean I’m not surprise I…