Category Cooking

Hot Cocoa & Soup

It is hard to believe, but we only have 10 farmers markets left this year! To cozy up the end of the season we have decided to add hot cocoa and delicious hot soup to our menu. Each week our…

Late Summer Flavors

This will be the last week we are offering seedlings for sale. Since it is the end of the greenhouse season all seedlings are just $2 each. We still have a nice selection of flowers, herbs, as well as hardy…

August Abundance

August on our farm is filled with abundance. The plants are covered with fruit and during every work day the main task is harvesting. One day the focus is harvesting and sorting cherry tomatoes which typically results in about 200…

Recipes for September

It’s that time of great agricultural abundance, autumn. A time when I normally have loads of pumpkins, winter squash, and I’m still eating my own farm grown tomatoes. But not this year. Since I’m on a sabbatical from farming, I…

Commemorating the Season

Thursday was a day filled with food, family, and friends. For me, Thanksgiving has always been a celebration of food. During the days leading up to the big feast I search for all the ingredients both in my field, at…