Category Field Crops

Hello November

It is hard to believe that it is November but I feel like I say that every fall particularly once the time change happens. Things are slowing down at the farm, now that we have had a hard freeze killing…

Sweet Potatoes are Ready

Last week the temperatures were chilly on the farm. We had several mornings of a light frost blanketing the field. But most of our crops survived. Our cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, tomatillos, and peppers have lived to see another day.…

The End is Near

The end is near for our tomato crop. We are not sure when but sometime soon the temperatures will dip down to 32 degrees killing our tomato plants. The forecast for this week shows some pretty low early morning temperatures…

Garlic Sale

We are a little obsessed with heirloom garlic. The flavor is amazing, it just puts grocery store garlic to shame. Similarly to heirloom tomatoes there are hundreds of varieties out there, each has a slightly different flavor, with varying sizes…

The Missing Crop

We had a fun and restful Labor Day away from the farm. But our summer crops don’t take a day off as their fruit is growing, ripening, and waiting to be harvested every single day. We continue to have a…