Category Greenhouse

Spring Seedlings and Tacos

Thanks to everyone that came out to our first farmers’ market of the 2024 season. It was great to see our regulars and get back to our “normal” Saturday morning routine of selling seedlings and slinging tacos. The April weather…

Our Seed Sources

As a vegetable farm we use a lot of seeds. Some seeds we plant directly into the soil out in the field but most of our seeds are started in the greenhouse. The seeds we start in the greenhouse grow…

Greenhouse Improvements

Our tomato seedlings are now available! We have a wide selection of varieties that come in many different shapes, colors, and sizes. Our current selection is just the beginning, we will be adding more varieties as the plants reach the…

Tacos & Seedlings

The greenhouse is filling up. Almost everyday seeds are getting started and tiny seedlings are getting potted up into larger containers. This past week we seeded our second planting of tomatoes. We do multiple successions of our tomatoes so that…