Plans for the 2024 Season
In less than a month, on April 20th we will be back at the Saturday Easton farmers’ market slinging tacos and selling seedlings. It feels like forever since we have set up our booth, but at the same time winter…
In less than a month, on April 20th we will be back at the Saturday Easton farmers’ market slinging tacos and selling seedlings. It feels like forever since we have set up our booth, but at the same time winter…
We hope everyone stayed safe during the smoky days we had on the Eastern Shore last week. For us it brought back memories of living and farming in California during wildfire season. Since we have had some experience with these…
Now is the time to plant sweet potato slips. We have a limited supply of slips for the delicious Covington variety available. This is a widely adapted traditional orange sweet potato variety. Copper and rose-colored skin with sweet, smooth, bright…
Even though recently our temperatures have been a little bit below normal and some nights have been particularly chilly, the field is growing and thriving. The tomatillo and tomato plants have grown a lot since we started transplanting them weeks…
At the farm this past week we transplanted pawpaw seedlings to establish our pawpaw patch. We started these tiny trees two years ago from seed. This year’s planting consisted of over 40 trees and we hope to expand the patch…
The farm and the greenhouse are bustling! This is the time of year where we are constantly shuffling trays of plants around. From starting more seeds to potting up teeny weeny transplants into larger containers to moving the trays out…
Sunny warm days make for perfect conditions to plant in the field and recently we have been lucky to have some perfect May days. Last week we transplanted our first planting of tomatillos and cherry tomatoes into the field. This…
We hope everyone’s gardens have survived the heavy rains we recently had. From the two storms our farm received over 6 inches but thanks to our sandy soil everything has soaked in and there is hardly a puddle left. Before…
Our tomato seedlings are now available! We have a wide selection of varieties that come in many different shapes, colors, and sizes. Our current selection is just the beginning, we will be adding more varieties as the plants reach the…
The greenhouse is filling up. Almost everyday seeds are getting started and tiny seedlings are getting potted up into larger containers. This past week we seeded our second planting of tomatoes. We do multiple successions of our tomatoes so that…