What Weeds Can Teach Us
The summer crops are growing and getting big but they are not ready to be harvested yet. We are still harvesting the wonderful spring crops: radishes, kale, collards, mustard greens, and more. Right now lots of the fall crops have sprouted. The potato plants have poked through the soil along with the pumpkin vines. I’m already imagining chilly fall nights at the dinner table with hearty stews filled with potatoes, pumpkins, and other tasty fall crops. We have been doing lots of weeding, with the warmer temperatures, the weeds are growing quickly trying to out compete the vegetable crops. Weeds are frustrating because they keep you busy in the field when you’d rather be planting, harvesting, or just plain relaxing. But weeds do tell you about your soil and growing conditions. For example at Quarter Acre Farm in certain parts of the field we have an abundance of dock,…