Weightlifting Pumpkins

I have been harvesting pumpkins and gourds since mid-September, but I’m pretty sure that last week was my biggest harvest yet, not in number of pumpkins but in weight.


Most of the pumpkins weighed around twenty pounds each. I felt like I was doing weight training squatting to pick up the large pumpkin, carrying the pumpkins to the end of the row, loading them in the truck, and eventually unloading all the pumpkins.

On the bottom row the third pumpkin in weights 35 pounds!
On the bottom row the third pumpkin in, weights 35 pounds!

The workout is worth it, just to look at these beautiful heirloom pumpkins with all their different textures and color variations. But what makes heirloom pumpkins even more amazing is their delicious ultra sweet flesh.


I plan to enjoy a couple of pumpkins as Halloween decorations at my house and then slowly thin the herd one by one, roasting them up to make pie, soup, muffins, curry, oh and maybe pancakes or better yet ice cream. Because even though it is fall, the temperature here in Sonoma Valley is still hitting the mid-80’s.