

Get Outside

Since I’m not farming this year I have realized that I’m spending a lot of time inside. Working on the computer, reading books, organizing farm supplies, and other random indoor activities. This sedentary work is not new I have always…

Taking a Break

Friends, I have some news. I’ll be taking a sabbatical from Quarter Acre Farm in 2018. After 10 growing seasons, it’s time for a little step back to dream, plan, and strategize about the future of my farm. I’m so…

Another Season is Done

Now that it’s the end of the season it seems like eons ago that I was getting the field ready for the beginning of the growing season. Even though it was just 10 months ago that I was starting tomato…

Don’t Forget About the Drip Tape

The final harvest from the farm happened weeks ago but there is still work to be done out there. Before the field can be put to bed for the season, the irrigation must be removed. All the drip tape that…

Commemorating the Season

Thursday was a day filled with food, family, and friends. For me, Thanksgiving has always been a celebration of food. During the days leading up to the big feast I search for all the ingredients both in my field, at…

Poppin’ Popcorn

After a long wait you can now get your hands on some tasty certified organic Quarter Acre Farm heirloom popcorn. I sold out of the 2016 harvest of heirloom popcorn months ago and just like my customers when I sell…

I Like Pumpkins Too

As a farmer your main focus tends to be getting your product out of the field and into the hands of your customers. I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve come home from a long day of harvesting and…

Fall Abundance

I have been harvesting bushels and bushels of pumpkins and gourds. At the farmers’ market you will see the tables in my booth overflowing with these classic autumn symbols. But what you won’t see much of is winter squash. I…


The smoke has started to clear here in Wine Country. My home and farm were not damaged by the wildfires but that seems, to just be by luck or a random change in wind. These wildfires have been devastating, I…

Still Picking

October is here and I’m still harvesting tomatoes. The heirloom tomato plants are just barely hanging on having never really recovered from the intense heat wave from weeks ago. But the cherry tomato plants are happy and healthy with fresh…