Category Greenhouse

Summer Plants Are Coming

Sprouts of summer crops are starting to fill the greenhouse. The various basils are teeny tiny. I’m still waiting for crops like cucumbers and summer squash to germination. While the eggplants and peppers are starting to grow their first true…

Spring Greens

Things are heating up in the greenhouse. With the return of the sun, seedlings have been growing much faster than the previous grey rainy weeks. I have been busy potting up 6-packs full of lush spring crops that are begging…

Potting Up

This past week I’ve been busy working on my taxes, the stormy wet days are perfect for hacking away at paperwork. But there has been a break in the rain and the sun shining. Even though the soil is soaked,…

Sprouts and Germination

The greenhouse is coming to life, sprouts are popping up everywhere I look. No matter how many years you’ve farmed or how many seedling trays you’ve filled its alway a relief to see that your seeds have germinated. Some seeds…

Lots of Seeds

This week I began working in the greenhouse. To start the season, I picked up a truck load of seed starter mix. After dusting off the growing trays and wiping the cobwebs off of my various greenhouse supplies I was…

Greenhouse Friends

Work in the greenhouse continues, potting up thousands of seedlings takes a lot of time. During my long stints in that plastic shelter I’ve been noticing all the wonderful critters hanging out with me. I spotted hoverflies taking a rest…

Seedlings for Sale

Yesterday I returned to the Sonoma farmers’ market. The last time I was at the Friday market it was a grey cold day in December, I only had pumpkins and popcorn for sale. A lot has changed in four months, the…

Organic Seedlings

The greenhouse is filling up with vegetables at different stages, some seeds have just germinated, some are wee little sprouts, others have put on their first set of true leaves, and a couple are big enough to be potted up…