Category Harvest

Farming and Family

Despite our recent family tragedy, my Dad wouldn't want us to take a day off from the farmers market so we will continue to be at the Saturday Easton market. He loved working hard and always told us to make hay while the sun shines.

I Guess it is Fall

For me it seems like fall got here too quickly. Maybe it is because our main focus at the farm is tomatoes, the jewels of the summer. We love to extend our summer crops as long as possible in the…

Autumn Equinox

It’s fall y’all! Normally I’m sad to see summer go, personally summer is my favorite season. But this year it is a relief to make it to fall. This summer has been wonderful, we have been super busy harvesting and…

Hello, Fall

Today is the fall equinox the sun is hanging much lower in the sky, there is a crispness to the morning air, and the daylight turns to twilight much sooner than before. It seems too early for all these autumnal…

Commemorating the Season

Thursday was a day filled with food, family, and friends. For me, Thanksgiving has always been a celebration of food. During the days leading up to the big feast I search for all the ingredients both in my field, at…