Category Spring

Seeding Popcorn

Now that all my tomatoes are planted, a quarter of an acre in total, I’ve moved my attention to another part of the field. The popcorn part of the field! I grow a total of a half an acre of…

Tomatoes Are In

With all this sunny weather, I’m finally getting the tomatoes in the ground. Last Tuesday I transplanted 650 cherry tomatoes and later in the week I transplanted 370 heirloom tomato seedlings. I still have another hundred or so to get in the…


This spring is a bit of waiting game, it feels like you are at the starting line, standing by for the race that is the growing season to begin. You are focused and ready to run but you get jittery…

Spring Weather

The weather is keeping us farmers on our toes this spring. Just when I thought sunny skies were here to stay, in blows another storm. Before this current storm is over we will get about an inch of rain, so…

Tomato Plants

The tomato seedlings have been enjoying their time in the greenhouse but these tiny tomato plants have grown up and they are ready to be welcomed into their forever home. So at Friday’s farmers’ market I had my full selection of 17…

Seedlings Are Growing Up

I’m still sweating it up in the greenhouse. Potting up thousands of tiny seedlings into fiber pots takes a lot time. But it’s so rewarding to see how the seedling quickly gets comfortable in its new home. There’s more space…

Oh Weeds

Right now it’s weeding time. The field is almost completely planted so the focus is on maintaining and nurturing everything to grow big and beautiful. This is the part of the season where you have to remind yourself that as…

Organic Policy Work

Last week I was in Washington DC for the Organic Trade Association‘s jam-packed policy week. It started with a great summit, on organic agricultural research at universities and sustainability incentives from different government agencies. The following day Clif Bar hosted a fun…

Tomatoes are in the Ground

The tomatoes are planted, all one thousand seven hundred feet of them.  In the greenhouse, the tomato seedlings a quite big, filling up their trays and reaching for the sky. But once you’re out in the field the seedlings seem…

Working Out

I feel no need to go to the gym. I walk my daily 10,000 steps by moving full trays of seedlings around, I perform plenty of bicep reps from packing and unpacking goods for the farmers market, and this week…