

Harvest For Now and Later

During this time of year the main task on the farm is harvesting.  The tomatoes are ripening so fast that almost everyday some row of plants need to be harvested. Just week, I harvested over 70 pounds of cherry tomatoes. I’m…

Autumn is Coming

The winter squash vines are beginning to crowd the walkways and are taking over the field.  Hidden underneath the big leaves and bright yellow flowers are beautiful baby squash, starting to take on their varieties distinct shape. With all the…

Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes

The field is full of ripe tomatoes!  I’ve been harvesting the plants a couple of times a week to keep up with all bounty. At Quarter Acre we grow 10 different varieties of beautifully delicious tomatoes.  Right now we are…

Bees, a Farmer’s Best Friend

The winter squash and pumpkin plants are blooming and the bees are having a field day.  The honey bees and native bees go into the large blossoms and come out covered in pollen from head to toe.  Some bees even…

Farm Critters

This past week, I’ve been watching all the critters on the farm.  Woodpeckers, lizards, robins, hummingbirds, ground squirrels, quail, and even a California king snake.  I love seeing the farm full of biodiversity.  I believe it is important to have some…

Tiny Fruit

Cherry tomato harvest  started this week and the blackberries are not far behind.  As much as I love both of these sweet little fruits they very are labor intensive to harvest. I grow about 600 row feet of cherry tomatoes,…

Guest Newspaper Column

Recently I was asked by local foodie columnist, Kristin Jorgensen, if I could write about how the current drought is affecting my farm.  I jumped at the chance to have a farmer’s perspective in the press!  My guest column was…

It is Dry Out There

Last week in the afternoon I was busy weeding the tomatoes.  With my head down focused on pulling weeds I smelled what I thought was an early dinner of barbecue.  I continued weeding but soon the barbecue smell was too…

Calm Before the Storm

The bees have been busy at the farm, rushing around to every flower they can find. The blackberry’s flowers are turning into fruit, most of the tomatoes are covered with flowers, and soon the potatoes will have their flowers out…