Category Continuing Education

Farmers Love Books

As a farmer with winter coming and farm life slowing down, now is the perfect time to stay inside and get cozy with a good book. Books make great presents this holiday season either as a hostess gift or a…

Organic Policy Work

Last week I was in Washington DC for the Organic Trade Association‘s jam-packed policy week. It started with a great summit, on organic agricultural research at universities and sustainability incentives from different government agencies. The following day Clif Bar hosted a fun…

Working Out

I feel no need to go to the gym. I walk my daily 10,000 steps by moving full trays of seedlings around, I perform plenty of bicep reps from packing and unpacking goods for the farmers market, and this week…

Field Work

This past week I spent some time out in my new field. Even though I’ve been working on farms for about 15 years there is always a learning curve when it comes to working a new piece of land. You…

Tax Season

With the weather forecast calling for an atmospheric river event over the next couple of days. I decide it was as good, of a time as any to work on my taxes. I do my best throughout the year to…

Family Help

Recently I have had a lot of family visiting. When these visits were planned way back when, I figured we would spend our days sightseeing and occasionally visiting the farm to do some weeding or greenhouse work. But with the farm…