Category Continuing Education

Growing Farmers

During the first week of February, I was across the Pacific in Hawaii on the island of Oahu. With the opportunity to travel to a tropical island I was not just thinking about beaches and mai tais. I immediately wondered what…


Last week I was down in Pacific Grove at the annual EcoFarm conference. I find this conference to be almost a pilgrimage, I leave before dawn and travel to a space filled with people involved in sustainable agriculture some I…

Popcorn Research

While visiting family over the holidays I had the opportunity to go to the National Agricultural Library in Maryland. The National Agricultural Library is one of four national libraries of the United States and houses one of the world’s largest…

Waiting on the Popcorn

The popcorn crop is not ready for popping yet, it was all harvested weeks ago but the wait continues. Most years I’m eating bowls of fluffy popcorn by the second week of November. I shouldn’t be surprised as I stare…

Local Jeans

Last Saturday I drove out to Bolinas to the beautiful Mann Family Farm to attend Fibershed’s Grow Your Own Jeans event. The event was the debut of jeans made of organic cotton and indigo grown in the Capay Valley, then woven…

Expo East

Last week I returned from Maryland where I was attending the Natural Products Expo East. This huge trade show was packed with over 1,000 companies big and small showcasing natural and healthy living products. I spoke on a panel about sharing…

Hamp Sweet Hamp

Last week I went back to my alma mater, Hampshire College, to celebrate the college’s 45th anniversary. As soon as I got on campus, I headed straight to the farm center. This farm holds a special place in my heart…

Farm Visits

Last week I headed down to Santa Cruz for a CCOF board of directors meeting.  Not only was I excited to meet with my fellow board members but I was thrilled to be able to swing by a fellow organic…