Poppin’ Popcorn
After a long wait you can now get your hands on some tasty certified organic Quarter Acre Farm heirloom popcorn. I sold out of the 2016 harvest of heirloom popcorn months ago and just like my customers when I sell…
After a long wait you can now get your hands on some tasty certified organic Quarter Acre Farm heirloom popcorn. I sold out of the 2016 harvest of heirloom popcorn months ago and just like my customers when I sell…
Have I mention how much I like tomatoes, well I guess love is a better word. As a farmer I truly believe you must enjoy what you grow both in the field and in the kitchen. I feel a connection…
The long wait for local popcorn and beans is over, this week I visited a fellow farmer to use his thrasher. This was a speedy way for me to shell all the popcorn and dried beans that I had harvested…
The tomato production has started to slow down. The recent rain has encourage the tomatoes to crack and split. And of course the short days and cold nights of autumn make it harder for a tomato to ripen. But I’m…
Recently my parents were visiting from Maryland. I love having family visit when the field is in full production, they can see and taste all the different crops that are growing. But of course this is also my busiest time of…
The fall weather was here chilly nights, foggy mornings, and windy days. But the heat has returned, I mean it is down right hottt! In the field that means the pumpkins, winter squash, popcorn, and dried beans are screaming to…
This past week I finally started harvesting the popcorn. I’ve lost a few cobs to birds and squirrels but there is plenty of popcorn to fill the large burlap bags. So far I’ve harvested 17 bags worth of corn ears…
With a steady supply of ripe tomatoes coming from the farm, I feel like I’m constantly surrounded by tomatoes of all colors and sizes; in the field, while driving my truck, and covering most surfaces in my house. I’m eating…
It’s hot out there. The heat can be hard to work in but, I’m not mad at it because the heat brings the ripeness. The warm temperatures allow the tomatoes to turn from green to red, or yellow or pink…
The popcorn crop is not ready for popping yet, it was all harvested weeks ago but the wait continues. Most years I’m eating bowls of fluffy popcorn by the second week of November. I shouldn’t be surprised as I stare…