Category Crop Planning

Sprouts and Germination

The greenhouse is coming to life, sprouts are popping up everywhere I look. No matter how many years you’ve farmed or how many seedling trays you’ve filled its alway a relief to see that your seeds have germinated. Some seeds…

Lots of Seeds

This week I began working in the greenhouse. To start the season, I picked up a truck load of seed starter mix. After dusting off the growing trays and wiping the cobwebs off of my various greenhouse supplies I was…

End of the Season

Except for bagging up popcorn, I have not been doing much farm work. This time of year the labor does not involve heavy lifting. It’s the end of the year and I’m spending time reflecting on this growing season. Thinking…

Rainy Day Work

Recently it’s been grey and chilly out. Most days there seems to be some rain, even if it’s just a sprinkle or two. So I have found my rain boots and I’ve pulled the sweaters out of the closet. With…

Tomatoes in the Fall

The seasons are changing. The sky is full of clouds, the wind is blowing leaves around, and the sun shines at an angle casting long shadows.  We even had our first little rain storm last weekend. While rain is always welcomed…

Cheerful Cherries

The cherry tomato plants are happy and fruitful. They are now producing an endless stream of ripe tomatoes. I love how quickly I am able to fill up a pint basket and the satisfaction of carrying a full flat (box)…

The Tomatoes Are Coming

This week I picked my first two baskets of cherry tomatoes! Enough plants had just one or two ripe fruits, allowing me to fill my baskets. The plants still have some more growing to do and the rest of the fruit…

Oh Weeds

Right now it’s weeding time. The field is almost completely planted so the focus is on maintaining and nurturing everything to grow big and beautiful. This is the part of the season where you have to remind yourself that as…

Tomatoes are in the Ground

The tomatoes are planted, all one thousand seven hundred feet of them.  In the greenhouse, the tomato seedlings a quite big, filling up their trays and reaching for the sky. But once you’re out in the field the seedlings seem…