Category Crop Planning

Organic Seedlings

The greenhouse is filling up with vegetables at different stages, some seeds have just germinated, some are wee little sprouts, others have put on their first set of true leaves, and a couple are big enough to be potted up…

An Early Spring

The weather has been so sunny and warm it’s hard to remember it’s February. Here in Sonoma we have gotten very few rain storms this month but it’s not the lack of precipitation that worries me right now, it is…

Popcorn Research

While visiting family over the holidays I had the opportunity to go to the National Agricultural Library in Maryland. The National Agricultural Library is one of four national libraries of the United States and houses one of the world’s largest…

Time for a Winter Break

Friday was my last farmers’ market for the year. The time has flown by since March when I arrived at the market with spring vegetable seedlings and green garlic. As the year progressed the vegetable seedling selection expanded and contracted; tomatoes…

Time for Frost

Early last week I left a warm and balmy Sonoma for a week in Austin, Texas to attend the wedding of one of my best friends. When I returned to Sonoma I felt like I had been gone from the…

Harvest is Slowing Down

There is not much left in the field. The winter squash has all been harvested. It was a small yield this year because the ground squirrels found out how sweet and tasty butternut squash and all his friends are. They…

Still Summer

The days are hot but a change in the season is happening. The sun comes up later, and sets earlier. There is a coolness in the morning with that unmistakable scent of fall. The tomato production is going strong currently at…