Stay Cozy
The slow season has slowly been creepy towards us. As I write this, out my window is a rainy gray day, which is fine because all of my outside work can wait. There is nothing pressing that requires me to…
The slow season has slowly been creepy towards us. As I write this, out my window is a rainy gray day, which is fine because all of my outside work can wait. There is nothing pressing that requires me to…
We have been having a wonderful summer filled with sunny days, bountiful harvests, and busy farmers’ markets. Sometimes these glorious summer days feel a lot more like a summer daze. Where one day rolls into the next; where there is…
The return of longer days and warmer weather always makes spring an exciting time. This spring has been particularly thrilling because there are new surprises everyday as we explore our new property. Flower bulbs long ago planted have been popping…
People often ask me, what do you do once you stop selling at the farmers’ market for the year? Right now for me it is a whole lot of resting, spontaneous crafting, and finally having time to do things around…
The weather seems to be confused about what month it is. This past week was windy and extra cold (we almost got a frost). If you have plants in the ground make sure to give them an extra drink of…
I just realized that the whole month of March went by and I didn’t write a blog post. I try to write a new post every month but it didn’t even cross my mind until I was looking through my…
Lately my main task has been weeding the tomatoes. Since my field was previously fallow and mowed regularly for years, the main weed is grass. Or shall I say the main weeds are various grasses, from my hours spent with these…
Seedlings are ready and I have been at the farmers market for two weeks now. I have a wide range of vegetable seedlings available including a few herbs (dill and cilantro) and flowers (borage, marigolds, nasturtiums, and sunflowers). Right now…