Category Spring

An Early Spring

The weather has been so sunny and warm it’s hard to remember it’s February. Here in Sonoma we have gotten very few rain storms this month but it’s not the lack of precipitation that worries me right now, it is…

Spring is Busy

I have been busy this spring both in and out of the field. Right now the greenhouse is still packed with seedlings waiting to find their forever home. Out in the field the tomatoes and tomatillos are growing tall, with…

Farm Visits

Last week I headed down to Santa Cruz for a CCOF board of directors meeting.  Not only was I excited to meet with my fellow board members but I was thrilled to be able to swing by a fellow organic…

Farming with Wildlife

Recently I have been noticing all the wildlife on the farm.  The birds darting through the tall cover crop, racing each other, to find the next insects to eat. Lizards scurrying across the ground to find a hiding place. The squirrels…

It Takes Time

Last week I finally transplanted the first of my tomatoes and tomatillos, a bit later than planned. This time of year I have to remind myself, that tasks typically take longer than you expect. Such as using your new power harrow,…

Spring Rush

Spring rush is here, everything needs to be done at the farm and it all should have been done, like last week.  April is easily one of the busiest months on the farm.  You spend lots of time in the…

Lots and lots of Seedlings

This past Friday at the farmers market I had tons of tomatoes and bunches of basil, seedlings of course.  I also had dill, string beans, celery, summer squash, and tomatillos. The summer crop seedlings are booming and ready to get…


The greenhouse is jammed packed with seedlings. The tables and floors are brimming with spring and summer crops. Last Friday at the Sonoma farmers’ market, seedlings perfect for spring gardens were looking for their forever homes. Customers walked away with arms…

Use of Language

Last Saturday, I attended the fifth Geography of Hope conference in Point Reyes Station.  Even though this is a literary festival, I was drawn to it because the theme was Women and the Land. The panels throughout the day discussed the use…

Back to the Market

Today I returned to the farmers’ market.  It was a lovely sunny day with new and old customers coming to my booth to check out my organic bounty.  I had freshly dug green garlic by the bunch.  This is one…