

Cheerful Cherries

I have been spending lots of time with cherry tomatoes. Their red and orange sparkle welcomes me to the farm everyday. I am harvesting the productive plants at least three times a week. This equals many hours in the tomato rows,…

Popcorn Update

The popcorn is growing very well. I can’t wait to pop it on the stove top and eat a huge bowl, but it still has a lot of growing before that happens. This past week the tassels started to appear. Corn produces individual male…

Looking Ahead

The field is looking green and lush, from corner to corner there are crops growing. Some crops like the cherry tomatoes are currently being harvested while others like the dried beans are coming into their final growing stages and will be mature…


Last week I found myself staring at all my crops thinking, why won’t you grow faster! It’s not that the plants stopped growing, it just feels like the popcorn has been thigh high forever and that the large heirloom tomatoes have…

Tomato Love

The tomato harvest is slowly starting to roll in.  The various cherry tomato plantings are all starting to ripen.  Even though, back in January when I was working on my crop plan I scheduled the plantings to be weeks apart…

Harvesting Begins

The summer harvesting has begun. As I prepared for Thursday, which is my harvest and farmers’ market prep day, I knew I would be picking the first blackberries and tomatillos. I’ve been watching both of these crops closely.  Playing the…

Summer Maintenance

Last week was filled with general summer field maintenance tying tomato rows, patching drip tape that animals have chewed on, mowing the edges of the field, moving flash tape to keep birds away from the wee popcorn, and of course weeding.…

Hot Days

Well, it is officially summer and the weather is following suit. The mornings start out bright and sunny. With the temperature quickly climbing and by midday it is way too hot to be anywhere near the greenhouse. By the early…

Everything is Planted

The entire field is finally planted. Last week I planted the last of the popcorn, a bit behind schedule but in the ground nevertheless.   The tomato plants are getting big. The cherry varieties have lots of green fruit on…