

Harvesting Tomatoes

After a few weeks of  large tomatoes slowly ripening here and there.  The heirloom tomato plants are finally putting out tons of beautifully large ripe tomatoes. I know tomatoes are considered a summer crop but I always think of them…

How is it the End of Summer?

I can’t believe it is the end of August, where has the summer gone? But with the end of summer comes the tasty flavors of fall! The winter squash is looking gorgeous, many different varieties are sizing up and soon…

Celebrate Summer’s Bounty

It is important to take time to relax with family and friends to celebrate summer’s bounty.  What better way than over a delicious meal filled with ingredients from your farm or garden. This past Wednesday I was honored to have…

Quarter Acre FARM Dinner

Join us this Wednesday, August 21st from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at The Epicurean Connection 122 West Napa St, Sonoma for an evening of organic produce, farm talk, and a celebration of this summer’s bounty        

Pumpkins with the Popcorn

Our popcorn patch at the farm has been growing great this year.  Right now the  ear’s are sizing up, hopefully in about a month they will be ready for harvesting.   After they are harvested they will need to dry…

Cherry Tomatoes

I am harvesting lots and lots of cherry tomatoes.  It sure is summer when I can spend the afternoon harvesting every cherry tomato I can find and then the next day there are tons more ready to be harvest.  …

From Summer to Fall

The summer is flying by and the field is bursting with vegetables and weeds.  It’s easy to focus all your energy on harvesting the beautiful bounty and staying busy just by keeping the weeds under control. But you must look…

The Popcorn is Taller than Me

This week I harvested the first of the cherry tomatoes, there was not a lot, only enough for my CSA members, but the flood of tomatoes will soon start at Quarter Acre. The popcorn stalks are over 6 feet tall…

Lots of Harvesting

The summer crops are just beginning to be harvested. With last week’s arrival of cucumbers and blackberries, I went out to survey the tomato patch.  As I walked all of the 800 row feet I found a few ripe cherry…

Weeds Everywhere

The weeds are trying to take over.  The heat wave from over a week ago encouraged the weeds to grow big and strong, now they are spread out all over the place.  I try not to stress too much about…