Getting the Growing Space Ready
We have been getting our field ready for the growing season. We have added amendments and fertilizer to the half an acre we plan on growing on this year. The other 3+ acres will be in a cover crop of…
We have been getting our field ready for the growing season. We have added amendments and fertilizer to the half an acre we plan on growing on this year. The other 3+ acres will be in a cover crop of…
The return of longer days and warmer weather always makes spring an exciting time. This spring has been particularly thrilling because there are new surprises everyday as we explore our new property. Flower bulbs long ago planted have been popping…
Sorry for the radio silence, we have had a lot going on. All good things! At the end of December we purchased a 12 acre property with an old farmhouse, 4 tillable acres, dense woods, and access to the Choptank…
This year I planted about 30 pounds of garlic cloves. I chose four varieties to plant: Chesnok Red, German White, German Red, and Elephant garlic. To get the soil ready to plant garlic, I did a light pass of the…
We have a new logo! After 3 seasons of growing on the Eastern Shore of Maryland we figured it was time for a little revamp. We also decided it was time that Quarter Acre EATS got their own logo. For…
It’s fall y’all! Normally I’m sad to see summer go, personally summer is my favorite season. But this year it is a relief to make it to fall. This summer has been wonderful, we have been super busy harvesting and…
The tomato season is in full effect. Just yesterday I harvested 200 pounds off of 6 rows of heirloom tomatoes. It is hard to believe that at the start of the month I was searching and searching to find just…
It is hard to believe we are already half way through June. Where did May go? After scrolling through my Instagram feed, I have my answer. May brought us dry enough weather to finally prepare our field for planting which…
We have been busy in the greenhouse starting seeds and potting up seedlings. The greenhouse is really filling up! The majority of the plants in the greenhouse are intended for local gardeners. We grow transplants for our field crops: tomatoes,…
Last year towards the end of the seedling season, a tropical storm blew through Tilghman ripping the plastic off of half of the greenhouse. So my lil’ greenhouse needed all new plastic across the top and on the ends. There…