Fall Abundance
I have been harvesting bushels and bushels of pumpkins and gourds. At the farmers’ market you will see the tables in my booth overflowing with these classic autumn symbols. But what you won’t see much of is winter squash. I…
I have been harvesting bushels and bushels of pumpkins and gourds. At the farmers’ market you will see the tables in my booth overflowing with these classic autumn symbols. But what you won’t see much of is winter squash. I…
October is here and I’m still harvesting tomatoes. The heirloom tomato plants are just barely hanging on having never really recovered from the intense heat wave from weeks ago. But the cherry tomato plants are happy and healthy with fresh…
Each day I find myself moving slower. I’m getting up later, just leisurely drinking my coffee, taking longer to leave the house, sluggishly harvesting tomatoes, and I think I’m even walking slower. At first I just chalked it up to…
Have I mention how much I like tomatoes, well I guess love is a better word. As a farmer I truly believe you must enjoy what you grow both in the field and in the kitchen. I feel a connection…
I’m at the farm almost every single day just harvesting, and harvesting and harvesting tomatoes. Big ones, small ones, red ones, yellow ones, pink ones, purple ones, and multi-colored ones. The plants are healthy and happy so they are just…
The workload is transitioning once again. I still have lots to weed, sorry winter squash, I’ll get to you soon, I hope. It is mid-July and the harvest season is now starting for Quarter Acre. The cherry tomatoes are ripening steadily.…
The seasons are changing. The sky is full of clouds, the wind is blowing leaves around, and the sun shines at an angle casting long shadows. We even had our first little rain storm last weekend. While rain is always welcomed…
Right now my days are filled with harvesting tomatoes. Every visit to the field requires a harvest of two flats of cherry tomatoes, if not 10. The cherry tomatoes have not been irrigated in over 8 weeks, but you wouldn’t…