Category Autumn

Waiting on the Popcorn

The popcorn crop is not ready for popping yet, it was all harvested weeks ago but the wait continues. Most years I’m eating bowls of fluffy popcorn by the second week of November. I shouldn’t be surprised as I stare…

Local Jeans

Last Saturday I drove out to Bolinas to the beautiful Mann Family Farm to attend Fibershed’s Grow Your Own Jeans event. The event was the debut of jeans made of organic cotton and indigo grown in the Capay Valley, then woven…

Bountiful Bounty

The end of the summer and early fall is a time of great bounty. Summer crops are at their peak and fall crops are just starting to be harvested. Right now I can fill a ten pound box of heirloom…

Here Comes the Rainy Season …

Last week we got rain, not much about a quarter of an inch, but every little bit helps. With our current drought we have had so few rain storms, I admit I kinda forgot what they were like.  Thursday morning as…

Colorful Beans

Last week I harvested the first of this year’s dried bean crop.  I am growing four different bean varieties this year Tiger Eye, Jacob’s Cattle, Hutterite, and Calypso.  Each of these varieties has a distinct colorful pattern hidden underneath their…

Win Tickets to the Heirloom Expo

We are giving away a pair of 3-day passes to The 2014 National Heirloom Exposition. You have two chances to win via Facebook or Instagram. The winner will be randomly selected and announced on Sept. 5th on my weekly radio show, Sustainable Growing, 2pm to 3pm (PST) To enter on Facebook:…

Thanksgiving Harvest

Last week started off very busy with harvesting lots of vegetables for the special pre-Thanksgiving farmers’ market and CSA pick up. Then Thursday it was time to relax by welcoming friends and family to the dinner table for Thanksgiving.  It…

Arrival of Rain

This week we had a few foggy mornings complete with a light drizzle, November has finally arrived. We have had a very dry fall with no rain in sight.  The sunny days with clear skies have been beautiful and very…

Farmers Day Off

Even farmers need a day off.  This past Sunday I decided to put a bit of distance between me and the farm work.  I went down to San Francisco and spent the whole day at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, a free…