Me and Tomatoes
Have I mention how much I like tomatoes, well I guess love is a better word. As a farmer I truly believe you must enjoy what you grow both in the field and in the kitchen. I feel a connection…
Have I mention how much I like tomatoes, well I guess love is a better word. As a farmer I truly believe you must enjoy what you grow both in the field and in the kitchen. I feel a connection…
I’m at the farm almost every single day just harvesting, and harvesting and harvesting tomatoes. Big ones, small ones, red ones, yellow ones, pink ones, purple ones, and multi-colored ones. The plants are healthy and happy so they are just…
Thursday as I began harvesting for Friday’s farmers market my focus was on cherry tomatoes. I had my day planned out; spend the morning harvesting cherry tomatoes, box up cherry tomatoes for the wholesaler, prep cherry tomatoes for the farmers…
The workload is transitioning once again. I still have lots to weed, sorry winter squash, I’ll get to you soon, I hope. It is mid-July and the harvest season is now starting for Quarter Acre. The cherry tomatoes are ripening steadily.…
The cherry tomatoes have begun to ripen, just a few on this plant and that plant. I have to walk up and down many rows to fill a flat of pint baskets. The extra early heirloom tomato variety glacier has…
Everything is getting big at the farm including the weeds. It’s amazing what a few long hot days can do to the growth of a plant. The popcorn is up to my elbows, when only a month ago it was…
With a steady supply of ripe tomatoes coming from the farm, I feel like I’m constantly surrounded by tomatoes of all colors and sizes; in the field, while driving my truck, and covering most surfaces in my house. I’m eating…
Right now my days are filled with harvesting tomatoes. Every visit to the field requires a harvest of two flats of cherry tomatoes, if not 10. The cherry tomatoes have not been irrigated in over 8 weeks, but you wouldn’t…
During the hours and hours that I spend harvesting tomatoes I’ve been noticing that I’m not the only one spending quality time with these jewels of the summer. Various birds enjoy singing a song while perched on a tall tomato…
The cherry tomato plants are happy and fruitful. They are now producing an endless stream of ripe tomatoes. I love how quickly I am able to fill up a pint basket and the satisfaction of carrying a full flat (box)…